William A. Tanenbaum
- http://www.mosessinger.com
- wtanenbaum@mosessinger.com
- +1 212.554.7811
- +1 917.597.6653
William A. Tanenbaum is the Leader of the AI & Data Practice at Moses & Singer in New York, one of the "Top 10 Pioneering Tech Lawyers Shaping New York's Legal Landscape," a Past President of the International Technology Law Association, and an IT "Lawyer of Year" in New York (US News & World Report ) who is "at the very top of the market" in technology law, a "Global Elite Thought Leader" in Data, a "leading name" in AI and who has "strong litigation experience" (Who’s Who Legal) and is an "IP Star" (Managing IP) who won summary judgment in the landmark Alice case and victories in IP cases in the Federal Circuit. Chambers finds that Bill "has a solid national reputation," "in technology and outsourcing" and is "well-recognized" for "deft handling of commercial deals relating to cutting-edge technologies, such as innovations in AI and cybersecurity." He is a member of SVAMC's "Tech List" and its Board of Directors. Bill graduated from Brown University (Phi Beta Kappa), Cornell Law School and the Bob Bondurant School of High Performance Driving. (https://www.mosessinger.com/william-a-tanenbaum)