
The SVAMC-YP group is an international network of young professionals interested in the resolution of technology-related disputes through arbitration and mediation. The group aims to provide its members with opportunities to exchange views and learn from peers and senior professionals involved in technology-related industry sectors through conferences, workshops, debates, publications, and other networking events.

Steering Committee

The SVAMC-YP group is led by a twelve-member Steering Committee primarily comprised of private practitioners and in-house counsel, but may also include others in related fields, such as academics, arbitrators and mediators, and others involved in the high-tech business community. The Co-Chairs of the Steering Committee are Amy Endicott of Arnold Porter LLP, Mauricio Duarte of A2J Tech and Nathan Aduddell of White & Case. Each Steering Committee member serves a three-year term.

Initiatives and Events

The group’s initial focus will be on two initiatives–membership and conferences. Membership is now open to the international community of young professionals from leading technology companies, law firms and universities that seek to create a greater understanding of and dialogue about the effective and efficient resolution of technology-related business disputes through arbitration and mediation.


Membership in SVAMC-YP is open to persons under the age of 40 who are involved or have an interest in technology-related business disputes, including private practitioners, in-house counsel, arbitrators and mediators, academics and students, and others involved in the high-tech business community. There is no fee for membership but prospective members will need to submit an application describing their background and interest.

Apply for Membership

  • This helps us formulate SVAMC-YP initiatives